Your car’s tyres are the first line of defence when it comes to navigating from one place to another. No other part of the car is in contact with the road except for your tyres and thus, your tyres need to be checked more often to ensure that you always have a safe and comfortable drive.
Over time, tyres are going to experience some wear and tear for a variety of reasons, and a point will come when you will have to get them replaced. However, deciding the time of tyre replacement is a bit difficult and thus, we have come up with the following factors that will help you decide if you need a tyre replacement today.
1. A treadles tyre is definitely good for the racing tracks of NHRA, NASCAR and Formula One, but in the real-world, a tyre without a tread can be highly unsafe. Your tyre’s tread will provide a number of valuable functions to keep your car safe and in control. When overtime, these treads begin to wear down, you should think of replacing the tyres.
2. One of the most critical functions of tyre tread is to wick water away from the tyre while driving in the rainy season. If any tyre doesn’t have a tread; water will be trapped between the tyre and the road surface.
3. You can do a penny test to know if the tyre’s tread is fine to do with. Take the coin and insert it into the tread groove. If the tread’s ridges hide any part of Lincoln’s head, your tread is in good shape.
Whether you need to change your tyre or need an oil change in Leduc, reach out to our auto repair shop in Leduc.